The tradition continues...
Aquila Liquors Distillery was established in 1992 and in a very short time has achieved success in the Albanian market. The passion for technology has thrust the company to expand and modernize day by day. In 2005, a modern distillation tower was established, which brought a higher quality by giving Aquila Liquori competitive advantage over Balkan competitors. The company has expanded in 35,000 meter square and provides a vast range of products such as rakia, wines, liqueurs, spirits and Albanian traditional alcoholic drinks.
Aquila Group
Over the years!
In expantion!
Currently, the company is spread over 35,000 square meters and offers a wide range of products such as various types of brandy, fruit cream liqueurs, distillates and traditional Albanian drinks. It exports brandy and whisky to a large part of EU countries and to other continents such as Asia and South America.
Our Partner!
Tradexal is a subsidiary of Aquila Group. Established in 1989, in Montpellier France, Tradexal is specialized in marketing & distribution towards international markets.
Our multiculture team is characterized by hardworking professionals, whose goal is to expand world-wide.
For more information regarding Tradexal, click on this link.